Beach Accessories

What to remember for your trip to the beach.

A trip to the beach sounds like the easiest thing on earth to plan for. But how many times has that day at the beach been ruined by a forgotten essential? Here’s a quick checklist to help you have the best day possible.

  1. The all important “Beach Bag”: Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be the flowery sack your mom used to bring. A backpack works even better. But it can be anything, you just need something with pockets so you can keep wet separate from dry.

  2. Beach Towel as a Beach Mat: You need something comfortable and dry to lie on. Don’t use the towel you use to dry off as a beach mat. It never really works.

  3. Beach Towel to dry off: Simple, but you’ll hate yourself if you show up without it.

  4. Sunscreen: Duh. Minimum SPF 30. Put it on every 2 hours, it washes off in the water or just with you sweating.

  5. Sunglasses: Makes it easier to take a nap in the sun.

  6. Hat: A wide-brimmed hat can provide additional sun protection for your face, ears, and neck.

  7. Beach Umbrella: Optional, these always feel like more hassle than their worth, unless you’re bringing a baby who needs to be out of the sun.

  8. Beach Chair: I get tired of lying there, I like to change positions. Sitting up is nice.

  9. Waterproof Phone Case: This will allow you to take photos and stay connected without worrying about damaging your device.

  10. Cooler Bag: You don’t need a huge cooler chest. An insulated cooler bag is perfect for keeping your food and drinks cold throughout the day.

  11. Waterproof Dry Bag: A small = waterproof dry bag on a strap is great to keep your wallet/phone/watch dry while you’re in the water.perfect for keeping your valuables safe and dry while at the beach. Use it to store items like your wallet, keys, and phone while swimming or participating in water activities.

  12. Bring a good attitude. No one likes a whiner at the beach.


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